Aqua, Yellow, Pink, Blue & Orange – Colour is back!
So here we are – colour and pattern have been reinvented and making a statement in the world of Interior Design.
What we take for granted everyday is often where true appreciation of life begins. Colour is just one aspect of this, simple as it sounds, colour has an amazing effect on our whole environment. Simply changing colour of our surroundings invariably changes dimensions, space and the atmosphere creating a completely different mood.
Above: Photo via Pinterest
I suddenly have a gorgeous aqua cup and saucer in front of me as I write my notes for my blog. It’s my ‘weak at the knees’ colour. Does colour do this to you? The colours in front of me merge into a palette of sea blues and memories of lazy days; the water pitcher is an opaque soft blue and the view I have of the Queenscliff beach all emerge into an atmosphere of a relaxing calm with echoes of sun filled days even though it’s a cold winter day as I await the ferry.
During my Diploma Course in Decoration and Design at Holmesglen Institute, the study of colour was fascinating. We were informed that colour and pattern would reinvent itself in a different form. That was in 2004 when we were and still are conservative with our use of colour in styling our homes.
Our palette is still to some degree bland, safe and predictable in Australia, especially with exterior and interior hard surfaces. Gone are the days of lime green bench tops, orange light fittings all enveloped in mission brown (I still shudder at the mention of the name), however all is about to inevitably change – the cycle of design.
We are on the crest of change, thank goodness, and colour and pattern will play a big part in reinventing itself. Decorating is becoming more lighthearted, symbolic and festive. We need to move on from the doom and gloom of the GFC and embrace something new. You just have a look at any home magazine – colour is everywhere.
Above: Photo via Pinterest
Australia is full of bland spaces, white kitchens, and ‘sake’ bathrooms. Using colour for accents is a Designer’s old trick, but add a colourful play with towels and cushions and our problems are solved, right? Sorry, no! The Generation Y’s are bored and the baby boomers are getting older. Guess what’s on the horizon (the hippies would be very excited) new, bold, unpredictable colour that will shout as loudly as the 60’s and 70’s. I just hope we get it tastefully and expertly right this time! Stay tuned for more insight into the exciting world of Interior Design.
By Paulina Bird